
5 Exercises for Weight Loss

. Squat Squat is very useful and simple exercise which we can do in our daily routine .  It helps to  build legs muscles and hamstring. It is very common exercise we can do it at home because its required on our body weight. The basic squat is extremely useful for lower part on body specially the legs muscles . hamstrings and calves. During the squat we should keeping maintain the  lower body muscle  motion for proper workout of legs and also very effective to avoid the unwanted fat belly.  In squat only stay froward your hands and bend your legs and balanced your body move up and down. In starting days do 10 squad then do more my increasing your strength. Lunges Lunges is lower body exercise which is also the very effective exercise to loss weight easily at anywhere its not demands specific conditions. it is very useful for  glutes in your hips and also for butt along your hamstring. its also very effective quadriceps in your thighs . In lunges exercise your calf mus

Weight Loss Through Diet

Weight loss through diet is the very useful and effective way. Take food which is contain plenty of nutrition , calories and proper fat which is very healthy for body. There are following step to loss weight through diet:- Regular Breakfast Take breakfast regularly in the morning because its very important and useful for good health and losing weight. Take less amount of food in the breakfast but healthy which contain essential nutrition and fats. Add a glass of milk and apple in your breakfast. Both are  effective to loss weight rapidly. Skipping the breakfast is  harmful for health because due it you missed plenty of nutrition for body and its causes many problems for health. Regular Diet Eat  regular meal during the day its very beneficial for healthy body and weight loss. It also reduce snack on food in fat and sugar.Use meal which contain high amount of protein level like (egg,fish,beans,pulses). Drink milk daily and use dairy food. Avoid the things have less sat

Boiled Egg Diet for Weight Loss

A simplest way of losing weight is use of  boiled egg in our daily routine. An egg look small in size but its contain plenty calories and protein. Boiled eggs helps you to loss weight without any workout in repaid time. Boiled Eggs in Breakfast Add boiled eggs in your daily breakfast is effective then it use in lunch and dinner. Its really helps you loss weight and keep your health good. In breakfast you should eat 2 boiled eggs and one glass of milk which helps you to get calories and protein in your body. Its not only for weight losers its also for healthy peoples to maintain there health.Boiled egg  is useful for heart patients they must eat almost one boiled egg in breakfast. Boiled egg is fulfill of nutrients that helps to work throughout the day. Calories and Protein  Calories and Proteins are essential for healthy body and loss weight to maintain it fit.  Egg are rich in protein and also can boost metabolism.  Each boiled egg contain 78 gram of calories. Its