Boiled Egg Diet for Weight Loss

A simplest way of losing weight is use of  boiled egg in our daily routine. An egg look small in size but its contain plenty calories and protein. Boiled eggs helps you to loss weight without any workout in repaid time.

Boiled Eggs in Breakfast

 boiled egg

Add boiled eggs in your daily breakfast is effective then it use in lunch and dinner. Its really helps you loss weight and keep your health good. In breakfast you should eat 2 boiled eggs and one glass of milk which helps you to get calories and protein in your body. Its not only for weight losers its also for healthy peoples to maintain there health.Boiled egg  is useful for heart patients they must eat almost one boiled egg in breakfast. Boiled egg is fulfill of nutrients that helps to work throughout the day.

Calories and Protein 

Boiled egg

Calories and Proteins are essential for healthy body and loss weight to maintain it fit. Egg are rich in protein and also can boost metabolism. Each boiled egg contain 78 gram of calories. Its also contain 4 gram protein and fats that are useful for health. Three large boiled eggs contain almost 240 gram of calories. If you want to loss 1 kilogram or 2.2 pound weight so its demands to fulfill the deficiency of 1100 calories. Add 3 boiled eggs in your daily diet for a week its helps to loss weight 1 kilogram or 2.2 pound.  Its  contain several important nutrients that support the eyesight and vitamin D which is useful for bone. 


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