5 Exercises for Weight Loss


Squat is very useful and simple exercise which we can do in our daily routine. It helps to  build legs muscles and hamstring. It is very common exercise we can do it at home because its required on our body weight.
Chris Freytag demonstrating a Basic Squat

The basic squat is extremely useful for lower part on body specially the legs muscles .hamstrings and calves. During the squat we should keeping maintain the  lower body muscle motion for proper workout of legs and also very effective to avoid the unwanted fat belly. 
In squat only stay froward your hands and bend your legs and balanced your body move up and down. In starting days do 10 squad then do more my increasing your strength.


Lunges exercise

Lunges is lower body exercise which is also the very effective exercise to loss weight easily at anywhere its not demands specific conditions. it is very useful for  glutes in your hips and also for butt along your hamstring. its also very effective quadriceps in your thighs . In lunges exercise your calf muscles in your lower legs, abdominal  muscles and the muscles on your back bee very stabilizied.

For lunges bend your right leg along the floor the other bend in a such way that .

Rope  jump

Rope jumping

Rope jump is very comfortable and useful away of loss weight without any hesitation because its not required a specific place or the time you can do it anywhere and anytime. 

To do this first holding the rope in your hand then check your rope jump and adjust the length of rope according to your jump and ensuring the handles line up with your shoulders.Start with feet together, hands holding ends of the jump rope, elbows in toward your ribs.Swing the jump rope and hop over with feet together. Do not jump in between, just jump with each swing of the rope. Continue jumping for 1 minute. 

Mountain Climber

Mountain climber

Mountain Climbers is another method to loss weight without to much workout. In this exercise all muscles are involves and its also increase the heart beat. It firing the all parts of the body likes biceps, triceps, chest, obliques,  quads, hamstrings and hip abductors. It’s truly a fully body workout! Mountain Climbers are also a very accessible exercise; you can perform them anywhere because they require only your body weight.

To do mountain climber  plank position with arms and legs long. In Beginning get  proper strong possible for good results in the Mountain Climber. At its he.art, the Mountain Climber is a form of plank. Keep your abs pulled in and your body straight. Press your glutes and move shoulder away from ear.Then pull your right knee towards your chest.  As the knee draws to the chest, pull your abs in even tighter to be sure your body doesn’t  come out of its plank position.Quickly switch and pull the left knee in. At the same time push back your right leg and draws the left knee into the chest to do same.Do this  simultaneously move right and left knee again and again.

Improve Your Diet

 healthy diet

A healthful, balanced and proper diet can help a person lose weight, and it is also  have a positive effect on their overall health. Proper  diet and nutrition help us to avoid  unwanted belly.
People should avoid sugar, fast food and chemical juices that have low nutritional content. Instead,You should  eat healthy fruit, vegetables and juices in our daily routine. Use that type of food which have high quantity of nutrition and useful for your body. Make a proper time table for diet to loss weight its very useful way to loss weight without exercise. 


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