5 Exercises for Weight Loss
. Squat Squat is very useful and simple exercise which we can do in our daily routine . It helps to build legs muscles and hamstring. It is very common exercise we can do it at home because its required on our body weight. The basic squat is extremely useful for lower part on body specially the legs muscles . hamstrings and calves. During the squat we should keeping maintain the lower body muscle motion for proper workout of legs and also very effective to avoid the unwanted fat belly. In squat only stay froward your hands and bend your legs and balanced your body move up and down. In starting days do 10 squad then do more my increasing your strength. Lunges Lunges is lower body exercise which is also the very effective exercise to loss weight easily at anywhere its not demands specific conditions. it is very useful for glutes in your hips and also for butt along your hamstring. its also very effective quadriceps in your thighs . In lunges exercise your calf mus